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Marilyn Hudson, “Rocking the Boat at Bedford,” 21st Century Music, June 2001 (pdf), page 4.

Meg McConahey, The Press Democrat,Furnishing Nature with Art: Bay Area artists have brought domestic bliss to Paradise Ridge Winery’s year-old Sculpturegrove,” May 18, 1997.

Gretchen Giles, The Sonoma County Independent, “Domestic Bliss: Artists take the inside out at Paradise Ridge,” September 4-10, 1997.

Joe Heim, West County Times, “Men and Women at Work,” August 8, 1996.

Deborah Bradley, The Dallas Morning News, “Earth Angles: Volunteers Help Sculptors Place Artworks in Connemara’s Great Outdoors,” March 13, 1996.

Lori Fairchild, The Dallas Morning News, “Art Springs Eternal: Plano’s Connemara Comes to Life with Sculptures, Concerts,” March 15, 1996.

Jeff Rosenfeld, Weatherwise, “Sculpture: Facing the Elements,” December, 1995/January, 1996.

Mary Hull Webster, Artweek, “Ravens’ Nest: Spatial Politics at Contract Design Center” – March 10, 1994.

Rene von Peer, Eindhovens Dagblad, “San Francisco Festival, Intimate and Intense” – May 11, 1992. Review.

Rene von Peer, Eindhovens Dagblad, “From Performance to Giant Robots” – May 5, 1992. Preview.

Sherry Lee Thomas – Artweek, “Clash of Ideals: Structure at Spectrum Gallery” – February 21, 1991.

Cathy Curtis – Los Angeles Times Orange County Edition, “Fragile Ideas Kept All Too Securely Under the Wraps” – December 19, 1988.

Judith Margolis – Artweek, “All Wrapped Up” – January 14, 1989.

Mike McGee – The Orange County Register, “Unraveling Ideas Kept Under Wraps” – January 13, 1989.

Irvine Fine Arts Center – Under Wraps, exhibition catalog, 1988.

Beyond Power – A Celebration, exhibition catalog, 1987.

Center for Visual Arts – CVA Artists, catalog, 1982.