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Concepts – realized and unrealized

Some of my concept work was produced individually, others collaboratively. Some intended as concept-only, while others were proposals for competitions.

Contradictions/Indecision: a treatise to dispel myths about the creative act

This proposal was initially created for Southern Exposure Gallery, in its former space at Project Artaud. The proposal formulated ideas that eventually became the installation and performance I presented at De Fabriek during the San Francisco Festival in Eindhoven, Netherlands in 1992.

Concept drawing detailing materials, floor plan and gallery view.
Concept drawing: colored pencil, cloth, sand, photos, on black line print.
Scale model: double see saw inside cloth enclosure, 2 teeter totters, tall industrial windows.
Model: foam core, paper, wood, cloth, pencil, vellum, roofing paper.

Treadwheel Turnstile

Proposal drawing and model, in collaboration with Shelly Cook Contreras.

Scale drawing.
Drawing: Ink on vellum.
Scale model.
Model: Steel, plexiglas, wood.

Sutro Baths Project

Initially presented as my Master of Arts thesis project, this was subsequently exhibited onsite at the Cliff House Visitor’s Center above the Sutro Baths in San Francisco. I led public interpretive tours of the site with my personal spin, comparing the ruins to photos of the original site and pointing out specific locations from the film Harold and Maude.

Site sketch.
Sketch: marker and colored pencil on tracing paper.
Caption below for details
Topographic model: foam core, plexiglas and polymer clay.